Beautifeye coloured contact lenses

Beautifeye coloured contact lenses
For beautiful eyes

Monday, 18 May 2015

Spring Colours for the World and For Your Eyes

For much of the world, it is the season of blossoming. Spring is in the air and with it, everyone has a commitment to do what we can to wake up and get in shape. We have to put away those baggy clothes and step outside into the light. It’s a great time of year and for those of us that want to spring into new fashions, it is the perfect time to take out those coloured contact lenses, add a little spring to your step and renew your look, life, attitude and of course, your eyes.

You know how it is, you need to get into Spring and Summer shape. You look at your wardrobe and your spring clothes, you assess your makeup and perhaps your hair style but often you forget the easiest thing out there that you can change: your eye colour. Just adding design coloured contact lenses to your day will take your from the drab of winter, to the sassy and bright of spring. In fact, if you choose the right colours you will find that your eyes can match the wonderful colours of spring time.

Spring is full of greens and yellows, pinks and reds. There are colours everywhere you look. Likewise, to match the spring season, you can choose from some design coloured contact lense favorites such as the Velvet green coloured contact lenses with their unique green and black blend and a nice thin black outline around the rim. Or perhaps you would rather go for the lively such as the ColourVue UV glow Pink Crazy colour contact lenses. These lenses will match those beautiful pink flowers sprouting out all over the world. They will make your eyes literally light up. The neat thing about UV glow lenses is that they actually light up at night under the right UV lighting.

EDIT Colour Vision Yellow Werewolf Contact LensesAnother promising colour of Spring is yellow and all the variations of that bright, delightful colour. If yellow is your preference, you can try the Edit Colour Vision Yellow Werewolf contact lenses. These lenses are piercing but have a certain allure to them. The nice deep yellow is surrounded by a ridged black outline. They are distinctive and bright in colour and will get the attention of all those who see you. Needless to say, wearing yellow is not for the meek, attention will follow you with these unique lenses.

The great thing about Springtime is the burst of colour that takes over the world. It is wonderful and wild while it lasts. The good thing about coloured contact lenses is that they too burst with colour and at times will make you feel like you are conquering the world. The fresh, new look that design coloured contacts can give you will be a great launching point for the rest of the Spring and Summer seasons. You will have a leg up on all your friends and co-workers if you take the time to get colours in the full array of the rainbow. Make sure you get multiple colours for those multiple moods and outfits, and spring your way into a new, special fashion year.

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