Beautifeye coloured contact lenses

Beautifeye coloured contact lenses
For beautiful eyes

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Glimmer in the Night with Glimmer Coloured Contact Lenses

I do love design coloured contact lenses. They make me feel special and they give me a completely different look. I know that when I look in the mirror they make me smile at what the outcome is because it’s never the same. I’m one of those buyers that when I like something, I tend to get a lot of them. If I like a shirt, I’ll get it in five colours, if I like slacks, I’ll buy them in three. So when it comes to the interchangeable nature of fashion coloured contact lenses, I just can’t get enough. There are so many styles and brands that I love to wear that it is often hard for me to decide. I tend to try to keep the message I am trying to send in mind and then I pick accordingly.

One of the brands that I really like are the Glimmer Coloured Contact lense style. These always make me feel a bit like a movie star. They really give my eyes a slight shimmer and my eyes almost shine back at you when the light hits these lenses just right. These lenses are sure to match most anything you have to wear. The glitter colour that is speckled throughout the lense, is an offset to the central colour of the lense and then there is a subtle rim on the outside of the lense. The result is a design coloured contact lense that makes your eyes appear bigger, brighter and more glamorous than you can imagine.

The Glimmer lenses come in six different colours. The each of these colours have the offset glitter speckles throughout them. The colours that you have are Black Silver, Blue, Silver, Black Gold, Gold and Green. It is almost an under-statement to say these so simply because they have so much more to them, but if you are planning an outfit or certain fashion “look” you can keep these colours in mind as you plan your final touches. I really like the rimmed outline, I think that is the part that really makes the eye look defined and stand out. And although I love all the colours that are offered with the Glimmer Coloured contact lens series, I am a bit partial to the Blue and the ones that have Gold in them. For my colouring and my own style, those are the colours that go the best for me. Everyone’s colouring and preferences are different so a few of these are sure to compliment you as well.

These come in pairs of course and they also come with cleaning solution so you will be all set when you get the pairs that are right for you. They are very easy to put in and take out and since they are fashion coloured contact lenses they never impact your vision in any way. The only thing they impact is how you look and how you feel about yourself when you are getting ready to go to big event or occasion.

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