Beautifeye coloured contact lenses

Beautifeye coloured contact lenses
For beautiful eyes

Monday, 13 October 2014

Red block Coloured contact lenses for the Devil in You

"You little Devil you." How many times have we heard that on television, in movies, in books or just in a conversation? There is something that had always attracted us to people that are just a little dangerous or naughty. The concept of demons has been socialized as acceptable for quite a while and is one of the most popular costumes for Halloween. And there is no better way to show your little devil than with the Redblock Coloured contact lenses by Colurvue. They are the ultimate exclamation point for any costume striving for spooky, scary or demonic expression.
No matter if you are going all in red, the traditional garb of demonic personas, or something more diverse, having your eyes shrouded in red will certainly leave no doubt that there is truly a little devil behind those eyes.

If you want to step out of the ordinary, you can wear the Redblock Coloured contact lenses with a costume that is a bit different such as a Hellhound. The Hellhound is a demonic dog well known for its red eyes. In addition, you can think about the wolf as a costume. Demonic wolves are also well known for their red eyes, both of which would be very nicely capped with these ColourVue contacts. From a purely traditional perspective, you might find it easiest though to go for the demon look. If that is the way you believe you will go, you can accessorize your outfit with the Fancy dress red wig with devil horns, also available, should you want to look truly demonic.

Redblock Coloured contact lenses are simple in their brilliance. The iris of your eye will become a scary blood red colour, while your pupil will continue to be black. The colour is so stark that it will draw the attention of all who have the misfortune of daring to look a demon straight in the eyes. The colour and difference from normal is mesmerizing and will definitely having friends, fellow party goers and strangers caught between not wanting to look but not being able to turn away. You will have them under your spell and once there, you will be the talk of the party. For certain these lenses can be a great ice breaker when meeting new people that you want to get to know, that is if you don't scare them away before you start chatting !!

There is no difficulty with putting these costume lenses in or caring for them. Like all items of their ilk, they are convenient, easy to use and perfect to augment any costume which they match. If you want to truly show your "little devil you" off and have that side come out, or be that demon or devil that makes folks quake in your path, these red block Coloured contact lenses are a perfect solution for you. Add colour to your eyes and see the result, you will be devilishly happy with what you see!!

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