Beautifeye coloured contact lenses

Beautifeye coloured contact lenses
For beautiful eyes

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Vacation Reveals Popularity of Coloured Contact Lenses

Having just returned from holiday I shared with some friends a phenomenon that I found quite interesting. I had already noticed that many people were popularizing the fashion contact lenses trend by wearing them, but I never knew just how popular they were until I went on my trip.

As with all vacations I made my way to numerous evening activities such as a few nightclubs, a dinner show and the cinema and each time I went out I saw at least one person wearing beautiful (or in one case scary) design coloured contact lenses. I noticed these people because, as I would find out, it’s pretty hard not to notice them on people.
The distinctive colours, patterns and themes that I saw were very eclectic but appropriate for the place where I was visiting. The nightclubs especially surprised me. There were more than a handful of patrons with all types of coloured contact lenses as part of their wardrobe. I found myself looking for these very delightful additions in everyone that I met and was not disappointed.
From solid coloured fashion contact lenses, to blood red and even a pair with a national flag on them (after all it was the weekend of the FIFA world cup final!), coloured contact lenses were is full view and I was very impressed with the style, colours and impact that these lenses had on the presentation of the wearers. I believe that many of the customers and supporters of coloured contact lenses like them because they just make you look good. And of course, looking good means feeling good.
ColourVUE Blends
My holiday ended with a trip to the local pub as I watched the final of the World Cup. The country themed contact lenses that I spied at the nightclubs were even more evident here; a simple badge of country pride.
After my trip I am now more convinced than ever that if you want to expand your wardrobe and “look” you should follow the lead of those who already wear non-prescription coloured contact lenses to jazz up their outfits. Simple, varied in designs and easy to take care of, these might very well be the biggest upgrade to our wardrobe that has come along in many years.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Get Petrifeyed with Spooky Coloured Contact Lenses

You have probably heard of non prescription coloured contact lenses. They enable you to change up your look and accessorize yourself for the specific event you are about to attend. For those parties though, where you have to stand out (or at least you really want to), there are some Petrifeye contact lenses that might just do the job for you. What are petrifeyed contact lenses? Well, they are designer contact lenses that will hopefully scare and frighten those that look you in the eyes. And they are a lot of fun!!

Here are some examples of the best known Petrifeye styles:
Zombie: These lenses are green in colour with a very eerie looking elongated black pupil that goes from top to bottom of the lense. They are perfect for those choosing to wear a zoombie outfit as their costume.
Whiteout: A favorite of many. This all white contact lense has the black pupil but otherwise are completely white. If you are thinking of a mummy or a ghost as your character they would be perfect to match
Wolf: For those of you interested in dressing as one of our favorite animals this coloured contact lense has much definition to them. They are gold with black speckles and a black outline with, of course, the black pupil. They are very neat.
Blood Red: These are what they sound like they would be. A blood red iris with a black pupil. They are a bit scary looking and would work well with any “blood and guts” type costume.
Vampire: These are a variation of the blood red lenses. Instead of a normal round pupil, the pupil is elongated from top to bottom of the lense. These designer contact lenses are one of the most popular to wear.
Blackout: Talk about spooky!! Of all the crazy Halloween contact lenses and Petrifeyed lense choices out there, these look pretty terrifying. They are all black with the black pupil and will make you stand out in a crowd!
Snowbeast: These are white with an elongated black pupil as well and are very flexible in terms of what you might wear with them.
Fireeyez: This author’s personal favorite!! These are gold with a red outline and the black pupil. They are very neat and can be worn with a variety of costumes and outfits.
Between all of these selections you can be sure that there are coloured contact lenses out there which will enhance the costume you are choosing this year as well as scare all of those you come into contact with.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Halloween is Coming-Are Your Eyes up to the Test?

You have your costume, your makeup, your wig and your party all lined up for the biggest costume day of the year: Halloween. But do you have the designer contact lenses to match? Yes, you read that right. Even your eyes can be in complete costume. With the new ability to mix and match coloured contact lenses with your costume, you can look about as “in character” as you want.

Perhaps you are going to a party where prizes will be given out for the best costume? Or maybe you are hosting a themed party –like a Twilight Party or even an Avatar Party? Well now, with these fashion contact lenses you can be the most fashionable host in the whole town. You can give new meaning to the phrase “the eye of the beholder” with all the people that will notice you and your fancy, well costumed eyes.
Need a few suggestions on what you might be able to do with these great costume lenses? How about dressing as a zombie and top it off with zombie contact lenses. Or how about a pair of white out contact lenses to add to that mummy outfit you might have selected as your costume? If you decide to go as an Avatar, there are even Avatar contact lenses that will give you the Avatar look that we all enjoyed from those characters.
No matter what you choose as your costume there are all sorts of designer contact lenses, crazy Halloween contact lenses and any other colour or variation that you could possibly need to complete your costume. In fact, these non prescription coloured contact lenses will become as important to you and your fashion sense as any other accessory that you wear when compiling an outfit.
So decide what you are going to be for Halloween and then buy the Halloween Contact lenses that match. You will not be disappointed and your chances of winning that best costume price will increase dramatically. Everyone knows that it’s the eyes that get the most attention, so don’t leave yours plain any longer.