Beautifeye coloured contact lenses

Beautifeye coloured contact lenses
For beautiful eyes

Monday, 31 May 2010

Copy Your Favorite Movie Character with Wild Coloured Contact Lenses

You might not believe it but it is not only possible, but down right easy to copy the look of your favorite movie characters eyes. “How?” you might ask? Well it truly is “all in the eyes”. Perhaps you like the look of Merlin’s eyes in the current hit series, with those dark blue inquisitive eyes. You too can have this eye color by simply getting non prescription contact lenses that are meant to help give you the exact look that you want.

You might like the incredibly wild look of Marilyn Manson’s eyes, well try Manson contact lenses. Spooky, seductive and penetrating, they leave an impression. You can have this look as well. The availability around all types of coloured contact lenses will lend themselves to you being able to have the same look as any movie character out there. At least your eyes can look like their eyes.

Or perhaps you are a Harry Potter fan. Remember those eyes of Madam Hooch? Those really cool yellow cat eye contact lenses really stand out and bring notice right to your face. You can have that look too. In fact, there aren’t many movie character eye colors that you cannot replicate. Such is the beauty and convenience with getting coloured non prescription contact lenses just for the “look” you desire.

Are you an Avatar buff? Everyone loved that movie. The green and yellow coloured eyes were one of the high points of the look of the Avatar characters. So if you are going to an Avatar showing or party, you might want to spice up your outfit by putting in these specially created Avatar contact lenses that will give you the “Avatar” look. You are sure to bedazzle anyone who looks at you, even if they never saw the movie!

There are no limits to your movie start status if you want to have the eye colour and style that they have both in their movies and in real life. You can have the Marilyn Monroe blue eyes or the Mario Lopez brown eyes if that is what you desire. Non prescription contact coloured lenses will allow you to simply buy them, put them in and be on your way to making an impression.

So if you want to feel a bit special, have a different look and get noticed, take the time to change your eyes just a little by adding these. In the end “the eyes have it” has never been so true!!!!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Purple Rain in those Purple Eyes

Yes, it is true, if you want to have a deep purple eye color just to spice up your look and life a little bit, it is not hard at all to achieve. One of the beauties of non-prescriptions coloured contact lenses is that the sky truly is the limit. (And you can get sky coloured lenses too but that’s another story for another day!). It is very freeing for those that have a bit of a wild a unique side, to find and wear the coloured lenses that you want no matter what that colour might be.

Purple is a pretty inviting colour. It says “I’m not afraid to be different” or “I am someone who does not mind walking to my own beat.” Many people find that independent streak very attractive. In fact, you might be surprised at how much attention you will get when someone looks in your eyes across the dance floor and stops dead in their tracks with awe. Wouldn’t you just love to have that type of impact on someone? If this sounds like something you could have a bit of fun with, then you need to really consider the variety of non-prescription contact lenses colours that you can purchase to support this goal.

Although there are many colours you can always select, a unique colour like purple will really help you stand out much more than the more normal colour contact lenses such as brown, blue and green. However, for important more conservative events you might want to think about if your lense colour matches the event. Like any other accessory you might wear you want to make sure you are dressed appropriate for the occasion, this includes your contact lenses.

Since these are now all available in non-prescription styles, there is nothing to hold you back from getting these in many colours for many different occasions. There are all types of colours, styles, designs and shades for you to pick from to suit what you are trying to accomplish. So don’t be shy, put a non-prescription purple contact lense in your eyes and be just a little risqué tonight!!

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Look Classy with Coloured Contact Lenses

Everyone wants to have that “look”, the one that says “I look at me world I am special”. We attain that look using many different methods but one that is not used nearly as much as it can be is coloured contact lenses. These aren’t your mother’s contacts anymore! In fact, you can get all types of coloured non-prescription contact lenses to add to that classy look you are going for in your apparel.

Think of how incredibly sexy those deep sea blue eyes are that you see in the magazines and on TV. Don’t you want to have that type of eye color when you get dressed for your next dance, prom, graduation or even wedding? It is so easy to get just the right colour now that you really have no excuse. What better addition to a cream coloured gown than a pair of dark brown non-prescription contact lenses to finish off the outfit? You can go on and on about how to mix and match for just the occasion that means so much.

Non-prescription coloured contact lenses can take you from the ordinary to the extraordinary in the ten minutes it takes to put them into your eyes. And once you get use to the process, you will find that you can put them in and out as easily as tying your shoes or brushing your hair. The best point of all is that you are no longer limited to the colour of your eyes. You can get many pairs and all types of colours to compliment whatever outfit or occasion you are about to attend.

Looking classy is no longer limited to movie stars. With the right accessories, you can look as classy as anyone else and feel really good about your appearance. There is something to be said about feeling good about yourself. You tend to carry yourself differently. Coloured contact lenses will help you achieve this goal. And the more confident you are, the classier you will appear to everyone around you.

Monday, 17 May 2010

“Brown Eyed Girl” with Brown Coloured Contact Lenses

Have you ever taken the time to really look at Angie Harmon or Mario Lopez’s eyes and thought “Man, I would love to have brown eyes like that”? Chocolate brown eyes make you melt don’t they? Well, if you were not blessed to have brown coloured eyes naturally, you can get a little help with brown coloured contact lenses. Don’t have a vision problem? No issue!!!! These are available in non-prescription varieties so you can wear them just because you want to, not because you need to for medical reasons.

Brown Fashion Contact Lenses

From a wild lion with brown and orange mixed to deep, dark, almost mud brown, whatever you are looking to accomplish in your “look” you can now do so with little issue. The varieties of brown non prescription coloured contact lenses available are sure to suit whatever your mood. Sultry, sexy, and a bit dangerous, brown eyes tend to have a very soft and seductive look. Going out on that first date? How about turning up the charm a bit and change things up by wearing brown contact lenses along with that outfit you just bought?

Now there is no reason to not change your eye color depending on your mood, your outfit or the occasion. It is so simple to just purchase the different shades and varieties that you want. Simply decide what the “look” is that you desire and match your coloured lenses and then go! Funny things will happen to you when you take the time to put in those brown coloured contact lenses; you’ll feel just a bit better about yourself, you’ll walk a bit taller and feel a bit prouder of the way you look. And if you feel confident, great things tend to happen.

Haven’t you ever noticed that when you really want to feel good about yourself you change something? You might cut your hair or try to lose weight or you might rework your wardrobe. Adding contact lenses to those things that you can “change” is a lot simpler than getting a new haircut every month…and probably cheaper. Both with help you accomplish what you want; a new look, a new attitude and the chance to be a brown eyed wonder. Try brown coloured, non-prescription contact lenses and see what they can do for you.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Why Not Go For An Edward Cullen Look From Twilight

TWILIGHT Saga vampire heartthrob Edward Cullen has had over 100 years to define his look.

And it can't be hard to dress a body destined to be 17-years-old for ever.

His look wavers between high school teen hottie and suited hunk as us Twi-hards swoon and kiss the screen.

So if you want your man to look more like Robert Pattinson, why not inject some Edward Cullen style into him?

Hardcore fans should probably invest in coloured contact lenses for a vampiric look in seconds.
You can find the Non prescription coloured contact lenses easily avaiulable to achieve this look

So go out get vamped up!!

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Make Them Green with Envy with Your Green Contact Lenses

Sometimes you just want to be very different. Blue and brown eyes are the two most common so why not go for something more unique? How can you do this? Well, it’s pretty simple. Non-prescription green contact lenses can completely change the way you look, make things a bit more lively and best of all, make your friends green with envy. Quite a powerful combination!

Green 3 Tone Lenses

Great for natural look

Contact lenses are now another accessory that you can choose to augment the way you look. No longer are they just for medical/vision purposes. Non-prescription coloured contact lenses are now being used more and more by every day people to change their look and green contact lenses really help you stand out from the crowd. In fact, many different types and designs of green lenses are available. From the regal emerald to the wild green with black, you can find them all and deliver whatever message you want to give to others.

Just think about those celebrities that have green eyes and how unique they are? Clint Eastwood is known for his great eyes and they have served his career well over the years. Ann Coulter has the same impact with her piercing green eyes. Green contact lenses can take you from the normal to the extraordinary and that is exactly what you are trying to accomplish. When you have people looking right into your eyes and you can see them thinking to themselves “what a unique eye colour they have”, you will have attained exactly what you were hoping to accomplish.

Non-prescription green coloured contact lenses are very easy to put into your eyes. Not only that, they are very easy to purchase and have delivered to you. Think about what you will be doing in the next few months and plan your contact lens colours in coordination with the outfits you will be wearing. Go ahead and get those green contact lenses but don’t stop there! Green, blue, brown, purple, pink…you name it, you can find them and wear them at your next big outing.

Have some fun, add some variety and make those around you green with envy!!!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Shake those Blues and Feel Great with Blue Coloured Contact Lenses

There is something about feeling good about who you are and how you look. We chase it all the time. The clothes we wear, the make up we put on and the cars we drive all make us feel good. Wouldn’t you love the chance to shake up the way you look by spicing up your eyes with non-prescription blue coloured contact lenses? Think of the change to your appearance and all the comments you will get. There’s nothing better than “Blue Eyed Baby” references pointed at you.

Think of Marilyn Monroe or Frank Sinatra and the head turning attention they both received for their eyes. Blue contact lenses come in so many shades that you can pick the one you want and instantly change your look and appearance. You will feel so much better about yourself since a little change goes a long way in feeling good and special. Since these come in non-prescription varieties, anyone on the planet can order them and instantly be a blue eyed bombshell.

The attraction of blue eyes goes way back. Poets have captured them in rhyme and songwriters have captured them in songs (like “Baby’s Got Blue Eyes by Elton John); nothing quite matches the appeal. Coloured contact lenses are the simplest way to make a devastatingly noticeable change in your appearance. And blue coloured non-prescription contact lenses can be just what you need to get out of those doldrums.

In fact, if you’re feeling a bit risqué, there are contact lenses that are a bit more creative and still use the colour blue as the primary colour. Crazy coloured contact lenses, multi-coloured and patterned contact lenses can all add a bit of zip to your current wardrobe. If you are wearing aqua-blue, you can get aqua-blue lenses and so on and so forth.

When you look at someone with sparkling, fluid and deep blue eyes don’t you just melt? Wouldn’t you like to experience that too and have a bit of fun at the same time? Blue coloured non-prescription contact lenses can be just another way for you to add different accessories to the outfit you are wearing. They are easy to put in and take out, can be worn by anyone and will definitely get you noticed by others. Be daring, have fun..try some and see what results you get.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Naruto Sharingan Contact Lenses

Naruto has long been popular and some of the most popular contact lenses from Naruto are the Sharingan contact lenses.Naruto Contact Lenses have been made popular by the Naruto comic book. Sharingan is part of the naruto and cosplay culture. Naruto contact lenses come in many different varieties as can be seen in the naruto pictures in the blog. If you’re looking for great naruto contacts we have a great selction that is sure to help you find any different anime contact lenses, including places that you can buy anime contact lenses from.

With anime contact lenses such as the naruto contact lenses, you’re sure to fool your friends when you show up with your cosplay costume and naruto’s in your eyes. They’ll be like, “You’re really Naruto!”. You don’t have to tell them where you buy your naruto contact lenses or the fact that they are disposable but soft contact lenses!

If you're a naruto fan, then you know how the Sharingan red eyes have that real piercing effect. For those who aren't Naruto fans, Sharingan have deep red eyes, circled by a thin black line with either 3 or 4 black dots arranged in a semi-circular pattern around the cornea.

Since the Sharingan are so popular, there are a few companies that have started making sharingan contact lenses in the UK. These contact lenses look exactly like you see on all of the Naruto shows and are FDA approved and CE approved and you can pick them up very cheaply.

These naruto sharingan manga lenses will instantly connect you with any Naruto fans you come in contact with. They're perfect for comic conventions and meet ups with other fans.